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Parent Tip
Fit Generation: 6 Fun Ways to Sneak in Exercise
By Shaun Dreisbach, Parenting
- Hit the playground! "It's honestly better -- and far more fun -- than any gym," says Stefko. The monkey bars and mini-rock wall build upper-body muscle. Jumping off the climbing structures boosts bone density and leg strength. Heck, even the swings can be a good core workout. It's like an outside circuit course.
- Play a game. Kick-ball, tag, jumping rope, wheelbarrow races -- they're classics that absolutely count toward your child's daily activity requirement. For younger kids, try Move Like an Animal (it's a huge hit with the children Stefko works with). Call out the name of a critter and challenge your child to mimic the way it moves: hop like a frog, balance on one leg like a flamingo, stretch like a cat, and so on.
- Do fun chores, like washing the car (and getting soaked and soapy in the process) or planting the garden -- it all counts toward 60 minutes of activity a day!
- Check out a class. Take your child to an open gym at the local gymnastics center and let her try out the equipment, or head to the indoor climbing wall or skate park for a lesson. One-offs like this are good because they let your kid try out a bunch of different activities to see what she likes best -- without the time and money commitment of full-on, three-days-a-week lessons (which your child may end up hating).
- Use people power. Ditch the car and walk or bike when you can. Pedal to the pool, playground, or pizza shop, and trek the mile to school on foot.
- Inspire her. "Bring your kid to a sporting event -- a Major League Baseball game or a high school volleyball match -- so she can see and be motivated by the athletes," suggests Stefko. Before or after the game, kick around a ball together, shoot baskets, or play a little backyard volleyball.
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