Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday Fun

It's Friday, and Friday's are for fun.

Summer often brings lots of time in the car and there are more educational ways to spend some of that time than popping another video into a portable DVD player. Teach your children some old family favorite games. Here are two-

Alphabet Signs- Find letters of the alphabet, in order, on road signs. You can play this as one team-everyone looking for the letter-or as competitors with one team finding A, then the next team finding B, and so on. Ask prediction questions, like "Which letters do you think will be the hardest to find?"

I Went on A Trip, and in My Suitcase I Packed- This is a great memory building, and often silly, game. Start with the phrase "I went on a trip, and in my suitcase I packed a ______" filling in the blank with the item of your choice. The next person then repeats the phrase,and your item, then adds an item of his or her own. You keep going round and round with the list of items in the suitcase getting longer and longer until someone breaks the chain. The giggling usually starts before that.

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