Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday Fun!!

The Backyard Volcano

Age: Elementary and up Time: About 15 minutes Type of Activity: Backyard science

Encourage your children to explore science in their own backyard. Plant a garden, catch butterflies, or better yet, build a live volcano! Sound tricky? You'll be surprised. MaryAnn Kohl, author of the book Science Arts, makes it easy with the following simple instructions.

Materials needed:· Baking pan· Soda bottle (16 or 20 oz.)· Moist soil· 1 tablespoon baking soda· 1 cup vinegar· Red food coloring· The great outdoors!

Step One: Place the baking pan on the grass, and set the soda bottle in the middle of the pan.
Step Two: Mound and shape the moist soil around the bottle to form a mountain. Bring the soil right up to the top of the bottle's opening, but don't get the soil inside the bottle.
Step Three: Pour one tablespoon of baking soda into the bottle.
Step Four: Color one cup of vinegar with red food coloring.
Step Five: Pour the colored vinegar into the bottle. Stand back and watch red foam spray out of the top and down the mountain like lava from a volcano.

Tips for parentsExperimentation is an exciting way to teach your kids about the world around them. But before you get started, Kohl has a few words of advice: "Keep it simple! Begin with materials you have around the house, such as flour, cornstarch, and paints, and, most importantly, let the child do most of the experimenting. You can provide the encouragement." Kohl adds, "Don't worry about not understanding the 'science' that's happening." You and your kids can make your own hypotheses, then look up the answers later online or at the local library.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing the fun idea from ScienceArts. I am the author of the book. I hope your readers enjoy making volcanoes. More fun ideas from my books can be found on my website. Go here:, and then click on "Free Activities". Also, I would appreciate it if you could please add this copyright notice to your posting:
    © copyright 2010 MaryAnn Kohl
    Print one copy for individual use only. Not for multiple distribution.
    Permission to reprint, contact MaryAnn Kohl,
