A Family Vegetable Garden for Every Backyard
"Even in the smallest yards there is room for everyone to garden."
-Wes Fessler
by Wes Fessler
July 17, 2010
in times of economic peril, or in days of unfettered prosperity, a
backyard harvest is always more rewarding in savings and satisfaction
than pulling vegetables from a shelf at the grocery store.
Backyard gardening is an
excellent way to save money, while adding the freshest ingredients to
meals for the table. While a small garden will generally provide small
savings, the larger a garden becomes, the more significant the savings
can be. An important consideration when cost is the main concern, is
buying seeds, rather than potted plants from the store. A large garden
that is planted from seeds has the greatest potential for savings.
Most backyard gardens arise
more out of pleasure, than for savings. There is a feeling of
satisfaction to be gained from turning soil, and seeing simple efforts
transformed into delicious rewards.
may not be for everyone, but even in the smallest yards there is room
for everyone to garden. Whether or not one is willing to carve a large
geometric shape out of existing sod, there are always methods to grow
vegetables without sacrificing play space. Utilizing existing flower
gardens or planters that are within range of existing sprinkler systems
can prove to be ideal ways to start vegetable gardens. Large pots
placed strategically around the yard can also create extra space for
vegetables and fruits.
There is
no need to justify a longing for the freshest vegetables in town, or to
count every penny saved by growing them. The true rewards a family
will always be able to enjoy from a backyard vegetable garden are the
satisfaction of watching with anticipation, and finally reaping the
benefits of smiles and satisfied appetites.
Fresh picks from the garden!
Fresh picks from the garden!
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