By Wes Fessler
Idle minds forget. Help them remember with a good summer learning
This is the question parents must face every year. When the regular school schedule comes
to a close, it is up to parents to pick up where the teachers left off, or allow the kids
to have a break until school starts again.
Idle Minds Forget The time off between school years gives children time for relaxation and fun, but it also causes a lull in learning that allows them to forget a significant portion of what they have learned. A lack of educational reinforcement during this period makes it necessary to spend time catching up by reviewing previous instruction when school reconvenes. This method of learning is inefficient and deprives children of advantages that would have been available through continuous learning during the summer. Parents as Teachers Parents are left the sole responsibility for instructing their children until school begins again. Little direction is given to parents on how or even if they should proceed with instructing their children during the summer. Parents who understand the importance of summer instruction, however, feel responsible for helping their children to retain what they have learned in the previous year.
With the understanding that children need education during the summer,
the question becomes one of how to provide the instruction and make it fun. This is their
summer after all. It is a time they look forward to as being a break from the schoolwork
that has kept them busy in the previous school year.
How Much is Enough? To help children obtain the intended benefit of summer instruction, it should not be turned into a burdensome task that consumes all of their free time. The goal is to get them to use their knowledge enough to retain it through the summer. This can be accomplished with various schedules and methods. It is up to parents to decide how much learning is enough for their children.
Quality is as important as quantity when it comes to summer learning.
Many summer learning activities such as daily workbook pages can be accomplished in an
hour or less. The relevancy of the material to a child’s grade level is equally as
important as the amount of time a child spends studying.
Subjects to Focus On Studies have shown that certain academic subjects are easier for children to forget than others. Math skills suffer the worst because the home environment generally does not provide many opportunities to make calculations as in the classroom. An average of over two and a half months worth of math skills are lost over the summer months. A decline in reading skills has also been demonstrated, although the loss is not as severe as in math. These facts indicate that summer studies should place particular emphasis on math and reading in addition to other subjects. Getting it Done No summer learning plan is worth anything without supervision. Don’t assume that your children will consider their work to be important unless you do. It is not necessary to stand over your children while they do their work, but you should check periodically to see that they are getting it done. It can also be helpful to correct their work when possible to help them identify mistakes they are making. This helps them to avoid future mistakes and shows that you care about what they are doing. Fun Summer Learning Ideas and Activities There are many ideas and activities that can be used to provide summer learning for kids. Providing variety in what children learn can give them additional perspectives and make the experience more fun. Use different educational tools and media to keep learning interesting. Arrange some of your summer activities to include learning opportunities at places of historical and literary value. Use creativity in teaching your children and you may find that education seems less like work and more like fun.
The following are some suggestions for summer learning ideas and
Summer time learning is a good idea for any student. It is an opportunity to reinforce recently learned material and to prepare for the school year to come. It is important for parents to recognize the need for learning in the summer and to be involved as much as possible. A summer learning program should consist of a variety of educational and fun activities. With a little creativity, parents can make summer learning as much fun as it is educational. |
Thanks for the learning tips. I admit that I never have much knowledge about educational activities, that's why I am so thankful to every post that I read online.