Sunday, May 17, 2009

Copy and Paste Parent Tips

Understanding "Print Concepts" is an early literacy skill you child needs to be ready to read.

What it is: Knowing about the printed word and how printed language works.

How to encourage it:

* Allow your child to explore books by having plenty of books around.
* Talk about books. There is a front and back, an author and an illustrator. We read English from left to right and from top to bottom. Words are made of letters. There are spaces between words. We use upper and lower case letters and punctuation. The picture gives cues about the story.
* Point out reading and writing in daily life. You read menus, traffic signs, calendars, notes to family, shopping lists, cereal boxes, and TV schedules. You read and write email, letters, memos, and lists.
* Write down a story as your child dictates it to you.

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